
Knowledge Sharing Symposium on Human Rights for Officers of National Assembly, Senate and PIPS.

April 20, 2015

PIPS and IP3 EU jointly organized a week long knowledge sharing symposium on human rights which was attended by 20 participants including BS-18-20 officers of Senate, National Assembly and PIPS. Mr Hasan Nasir Mirbahar, senior experts IP3 and Mr Zulfiqar Shah from DRI discussed the international human rights covenants. On day two, Mr Muhammad Rashid […]

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National Constitution Day Seminar

April 10, 2015

“Pakistan’s constitution is imperative for country’s federalism as it holds the key to protect the rights of every citizen, irrespective of his religion, caste, creed, sex or physical appearance and allows all cultures of federating units to blossom in a national synthesis – a Pakistani culture that reflects unity in diversity,” it was stated by Honourable […]

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Minutes Writing.

May 8, 2014

Minutes Writing May 8-9, 2014

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