
Young Parliamentarians Forum and PIPS Seminar on Movement against Gender-Based Violence.

November 23, 2015 ,

The Young Parliamentarians Forum YPF and PIPS in cooperation with OXFAM and Chanan Devpt Association, organized a day long seminar attended by more than 140 cross party Members of Parliament, civil society, academia and youth. Honourable MNA Romina Khurshid Alam welcomed the participants while Associate Country Director Oxfam Novib Mr Adnianus Schuurmans and Mr Shahzad, Country Director CDA were key note Speakers who highlighted the need to proactively support and stand against gender-based violence to see Pakistan as a pluralistic society as envisioned by its founding fathers. Mr Muhammad Rashid Mafzool Zaka, Acting Executive Director Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services, was the Guest of Honour; he identified the role of State, men and women to curb the menace of violence against gender. He emphasized need to legislation by federal and provincial legislatures to empower women by increased and equal wages for women and bills against violence in addition to better law and order institutionalization to deter all threats against women. Seasoned and respected Ms Tahira Aurangzeb, MNA, was the Chief Guest on the session two and final ceremony and distributed shields among key note speakers and acknowledged the YPF and PIPS along with Oxfam and CDA for such a befiiting Orange 15 day movement against gender-based violence.

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