

August 29, 2024 ,

The Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services (PIPS) successfully conducted an insightful event on “Working of Committees: Powers and Functions” on Thursday, August 29, 2024, at the PIPS campus in Islamabad.

The proceedings began with opening remarks by Mr. Muhammad Rashid Mafzool Zaka, Executive Director of PIPS, who emphasized the importance of understanding the parliamentary committee system. He fondly reminisced about the early days of PIPS, highlighting the significant contributions of Mr. Muhammad Mushtaq during those formative years. Mr. Zaka warmly welcomed all attendees, setting the stage for an engaging and informative experience.

Mr. Muhammad Mushtaq, a distinguished expert with 40 years of parliamentary experience and currently serving as the Advisor on Legislation to the National Assembly of Pakistan, led the discussions. He provided a comprehensive overview of the roles and functions of committees within the National Assembly, focusing on the powers and functions of different types of committees, including Special Committees. His expertise offered participants valuable insights into the critical role these committees play in the legislative process.

The event was marked by active engagement, as Honourable Members participated in discussions and posed numerous questions about the workings of committees. Mr. Mushtaq’s extensive experience enabled him to address these inquiries in detail, greatly enriching the dialogue.

With the enthusiastic participation of over 24 Honourable Members of the National Assembly, the gathering proved to be a significant platform for enhancing parliamentary understanding.

The event concluded with closing remarks from Ms. Samer Awais, Director General (PDP&C), who expressed her sincere appreciation for the active involvement of the participants and underscored the importance of such gatherings in fostering parliamentary knowledge and skills.

Following the formal proceedings, a group photograph was taken, and the participants were invited to a lunch, providing an opportunity for further informal discussions and networking.

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