
Prime Minister’s Youth Training Scheme (PMYTS) Interns’ Orientation Program Batch-I.

January 30, 2017 , ,

Under PM’s Youth Training Scheme, 114 interns joined the National Assembly to assist the honourable parliamentarians for a period of one year. Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services conducted orientation training for the young interns from January 30th-31st, 2017 in order to equip them with the necessary knowledge about the working of Parliament and Parliamentary responsibilities.  The internees were imparted knowledge about the Constitution, Parliamentary Oversight and in the areas of Parliamentary etiquette, Writing parliamentary briefs and Using Information Technology for institutional branding. Honorable Members National Assembly, Ms. Shaza Fatima Khwaja and Ms. Romina Khurshid addressed the interns highlighting the challenges faced by parliamentarians in the performance of their roles and responsibilities and in managing constituency relations.  The Training was co-facilitated by faculty from PIPS and Secretariats of National Internship Program, National Assembly and Senate.

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