
Pre-Budget Orientation on PSDP for Chairpersons, Standing Committees of Senate and National Assembly.

January 12, 2016 ,

PIPS economy desk organized a one day Orientation on PSDP review for Members of Senate and National Assembly at PIPS main campus. Mrs Samer Awais, Director Training PIPS welcomed Honorable Members and briefed the participants about importance of PSDP. Twelve Chairpersons of Standing Committees of Senate (06) and National Assembly (06) attended the sessions. Mr. Noman Ishtiaq, CTA, Finance Division took absorbing sessions on PSDP and its review. Chairpersons of Standing Committees acknowledged the role of PIPS in providing relevant knowledge and technical support to Parliamentary Committees and recognized that it will improve oversight function of committees. The sessions concluded with the vote of thanks by Director Training, PIPS. The organizing committee comprised of Mr. Muhammad Rizwan Manzoor, Research officer; Mr. Taj Muhammad, Program Coordination Officer and Ms. Maryam Ahsan, Program Coordination Officer.    

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