
PIPS Seminar on Int’ll Peace day 21st Sept., 2023– “Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah as parliamentarian,” at Riphah University

Islamabad, Sept., 21, 2023: To commemorate the international peace day the Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services (PIPS) and the Riphah International University (RIU), G 7 campus, Islamabad, held a youth outreach seminar, titled:  “Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah as parliamentarian and leader par excellence.” that was attended by 55 participants including faculty and students of department of International relations.

The proceedings started with the blessed name of the Allah Almighty. Prof Kashif Zaheer, Assistant Professor and In-Charge Student Affairs, RIU, welcomed the PIPS team comprising Muhammad Rashid Mafzool Zaka, Director General (Reseearch) PIPS and Mr Qaiser Iqbal Librarian. He thanked PIPS for its support to enlighten RIU students and faculty members as part of Parliamentary Studies Program on working of Parliament, democracy and role of youth in peace building. Mr Zaka, Director General (Research) spoke as the key note Speaker and highlighted Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s vision for a progressive unity of diversity as well as the his lifelong commitment to fulfill the fundamental rights of protection of life, faith, property of all citizens especially the poor segments as the top priority of the government and the Parliament.”

Mr Zaka narrated with numerous anecdotes of life of the founding father how he stood for rights of minorities against draconian laws like Rowlatt Act against use of force by British government against peaceful demonstrations by Sikh Farmers. He also reiterated that the Quaid had qualities of empathy with the masses, minorities and the downtrodden, always standing by Rule of Law; siding with merit; practicing strict honesty and financial discipline; austerity in public spending; in addition to unwavering dedication and sacrifice for creation of Islamic Republic of Pakistan besides facing odds of personal health falling with each passing day in 1947-48.

Mr Zaka also shared that Allama Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, when asked to comment about the Quaid, depicted him in these words: Mr. Jinnah is rewarded with a unique quality that I do not see in any Muslim of the sub continent – He is incorruptible and unpurchaseable.” The famous historian H.V. Hodson endorsed the opinion and said  that “not even his political adversaries ever accused Mr Jinnah of corruption or self-seeking. He could be bought by no one and for no price.” The Quaid always stood with honesty and fair play in politics, especially always reiterating his endorsement for fair and free elections. In 1946 elections Mr G.A. Allana who was the In charge of Muslim League’s electoral campaigning in Sindh was directed by the Quaid: “But remember one thing. I do not want to pay a single rupee to any voter as bribe to vote for us. That I will never adopt. I prefer defeat to winning elections by adopting dishonest and corrupt methods.”[1]

Mr Zaka concluded his session with the famous quote of the Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah: THERE IS NO POWER ON EARTH THAT CAN UNDO PAKISTAN! Prof Kashif Zaheer, Mr Ehtisham and Mr Zahoor presented university souvenirs to team PIPS while Dir Gen shared two sets of PIPS publication for RIU library. The event underscored the importance of collaboration and dialogue among diverse stakeholders to promote peace, dialogue and national harmony in society. The contributions of the scholars, experts and youth will undoubtedly serve as valuable insights for policymakers, academics, and activists working towards a more inclusive and cohesive future for the nation. The team PIPS also visited the RIU library and reiterated the future cooperation of the two institutions towards consolidation of role of active youth to strengthen the democratic, constitutional and parliamentary tradition for a peaceful and progressive society.

[1] Dr K F Yusuf (ed.) op. cit. p. 316.

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