
Knowledge sharing sessions by Mr. Rob Clement, former Director Research UK House of COMMONS at PIPS

April 22, 2016

With support from IP3 Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services hosted International Expert, Mr. Rob Clement, Former Director Research House of Commons.  Mr. Muhammad Rashid Mafzool Zaka, Acting Executive Director PIPS, welcomed the Guest and acknowledged the support of IP3 EU in facilitating the visit of the International Expert. Session one comprised of an interactive knowledge sharing session from 1100 am to 0130 pm, in which PIPS faculty from Research, Training and Legislation Wings participated. Mr. Rob highlighted some of the best practices concerning research and information services in the UK and demonstrated keen interest in knowing the experience of PIPS in this regard. He appreciated the PIPS team’s values of professonalism, integrity, non partisanship, accessibility and anticipation. He also shared importance of objectivity, non partisanship, quality-assurance and development of a subject-experts’ in House capacity viz a viz parliamentary research as well as need for confidentiality for offering specific researches for Members of Parliament. Mr Rob Clement’s Session two focused (0215 to 0415 pm) on the “Vision of a parliamentary center, organizational behavior and linkages.” Attended by PIPS faculty from various wings, the session provided a candid opportunity for both sides to learn from each others’ experiences. Mr Clement preffered development of Parliament’s own researchers rather than depending on external sources such as universities that may have their tilt and may never comprehend the legislative realities of the House. Acting Executive Director PIPS, Mr. Muhammad Rashid Mafzool Zaka, acknowledged IP3 EU partnership with PIPS and thanked their Country Team Leader Ms Donna Bugby-Smith and Capacity building and research Expert Ms Nadia Batool. Mr Zaka, Dir Training Ms Samer Awais and CIA, Qazi ShamsudDin presented souvenir and traditional “ajrak,” to Mr. Rob Clement on behalf of PIPS at the end of the session.

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