
Inaugural ceremony of the Orientation Programme for the Newly-Elected Honourable Members of the Senate of Pakistan June 15th -24th, 2021

June 18, 2021 ,

Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services (PIPS), in collaboration with LEAD for SDGs Localisation in Pakistan, organized a six-day orientation programme for the newly-elected Honourable Members of the Senate of Pakistan on Parliamentary Business.

The programme commenced on June 15th 2021, at the institute, with the recitation of few verses from the Holy Quran. Later on, Ms. Samer Awais, Director General Parliamentary Development Programme & Coordination Wing at PIPS, in her welcoming note, said that that the Role of leadership is a huge responsibility bestowed by the Allah Almighty on its chosen people. She highlighted that the orientation programme had especially been designed for the Honourable Senators encompassing core parliamentary business areas.

Mr. Muhammad Anwar, Executive Director PIPS, in his welcome remarks, paid regards to the Parliamentary leadership for their sustained trust in the institution and assured the honourable senators of PIPS’ ever readiness to assist them in the best way possible. Mr. Javed Hasan, Team Leader of LEAD, hailed such partnership as an ideal opportunity to interact with the legislature.

Towards the end, Honourable Senator Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani, Chairman Senate of Pakistan and President PIPS BoGs, in his inaugural address, shared his personal experience of learning the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate of Pakistan and hailed the orientation programme as an excellent opportunity to get to know about the working of the Senate of Pakistan. He also highlighted PIPS’s contribution aimed at the strengthening and enhancing the Parliamentary traditions in Pakistan and mentioned, that in near future, PIPS intends to organize learning streams for the Government officers to educate them on legislative and non-legislative business. The programme is scheduled to continue for six days in upcoming weeks. 

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