
Hon Speaker inspires youth to work hard, respect and prioritize national interest.

July 26, 2024

Friday – July 26, 2024:  Honorable Sardar Ayaz Sadiq Speaker National Assembly/ President PIPS BoG inspired the youth to hard work, dedication and the value of respect for all in every endeavour always focusing and prioritizing national interest. In a memorable address to jam packed auditorium at the Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services, Islamabad, at the closing ceremony of the week-long training program with over 200 student interns serving at the National Assembly and PIPS, he inculcated students from all over Pakistan to believe in themselves and concentrate in their studies to excel in their respective fields and prepare themselves to compete amongst the best in the world.

Hon. Sardar Ayaz Sadiq shared the initiatives taken by the National Assembly where opposition were given appreciably much more time to debate during the last budget session to enable them critically put forth their recommendations to improve the economic outlook of the country. He also informed students of different initiatives his office took in his tenure between 2013-18 including establishment of the global first of its kind Parliamentary SDGs Taskforce in 2014-15 with assistance from PIPS that is followed now as role model by other parliaments world over. He is one of the founding MP of the parliamentary steering committee that envisioned setting up the Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services in 2008-09, which is now globally recognised seat of parliamentary learning. He also informed the audience that the National Assembly envisioned to start parliamentary studies as a discipline in country-wide universities in 2014 and today no less than 17 universities in all provinces are offering courses on parliamentary studies with close cooperation of the Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services. 

Being elected as the Speaker of the National Assembly thrice Speaker Sardar Ayaz Sadiq is respected amongst all parliamentary parties due to his conciliatory contributions and passion for inclusive democracy in Pakistan. The proceedings began with National Anthem and recitation of verses from the Holy Quran. Muhammad Rashid Mafzool Zaka, Executive Director presented welcome remarks and encouraged youth to follow in the footsteps of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah to have unwavering dedication and passion to serve the nation, even in the worst of odds as destiny rests on good intentions and resilient hard work and fulfilling our responsibilities with humility to serve our country.

Honorable Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, reiterated the youth, In a candid question and answer session after his address with the interns, to be passionate in excelling in studies and inculcating the habit of working hard in unison to serve Pakistan through fulfillment of democratic duty to follow and contribute towards rule of law and always giving priority to the national interest over personal benefit. He also ensured students from all federating units that the Speaker office will continue to play the role of a peace-builder and bringing elected representatives to play a meaningful role in efforts of peace building and harmony in Balochistan and Parachinar. 

The Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services (PIPS) organized an intensive 4-day orientation programme for the Summer interns of the National Assembly of Pakistan (Batch I) from July 23rd to 26th, 2024, at the PIPS, Islamabad. Designed to equip young interns with essential knowledge about the Constitution of Pakistan, core parliamentary functions, legislative processes, budgetary procedures, and the critical citizen-to-parliament relationship, the event was attended by 130 participants.

The programme began with a recitation of the verses from the Holy Quran followed by welcome remarks by Mr Muhammad Rashid Mafzool Zaka, Executive Director of PIPS, who outlined the significant topics to be covered in the orientation encompassing Parliamentary business. Ms. Mariam Ahsan from the PIPS set the stage for a learning experience for the interns by conducting an engaging ice-breaking session. Mr Zafarullah Khan, the Parliamentary expert, facilitated the first session of the day and highlighted important benchmarks in the constitutional history of Pakistan, including the significance of law, the constitution, and fundamental rights. Next to speak was Mr. Muhammad Rashid Mafzool Zaka, who embarked upon the salient features of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Honourable Zartaj Gul, a Member of the National Assembly of Pakistan, led a session on the day-to-day workings of Parliament and the challenges faced by Members. She encouraged the interns to learn legislative drafting skills and actively participate in the legislative process. Mr. Danish Ali Bhutto, from the National Assembly Secretariat, concluded the day with a session on parliamentary etiquette and social graces, providing practical tips on maintaining professionalism and effective communication.

Day 2 started with a session on the importance of transparent governance by Honourable Farhatullah Babar, former Senator, who discussed good governance, transparency, freedom of speech, and the importance of free media. Mr Muhammad Mushtaq, from the National Assembly Secretariat, explained parliamentary oversight tools and their use in holding the government accountable.

Mr. Rizwan Ullah from the National Assembly Secretariat, provided insights into the legislative process, detailing the stages a bill goes through to become an act of Parliament. Next to speak was Mr. Muhammad Adnan Azeem from the Ministry of Finance who discussed government spending, budget management, and key financial indicators.

Day 3 featured Ms Nighat Paristan from the National Assembly Secretariat in the first session who emphasized the importance of accurate and up-to-date information for parliamentary research; followed by an interactive session conducted by Mr Muhammad Rizwan Manzoor and Ms Ayesha Tariq Khan from the PIPS, who engaged the interns in an exercise on parliamentary research as they assigned them with a practical task to enhance their learning and skills.

Syed Shamoon Hashmi from the National Assembly Secretariat facilitated the last session of the day as he highlighted some unique facts about Pakistan’s Parliament, especially its inclusivity and its role in ensuring the fundamental rights of its citizens. He discussed the history of e-parliament initiatives and how parliamentary forums and caucuses have made significant contributions to Parliamentary outreach. The session concluded with a detailed Q&A session.

Day 4 began with an experience-sharing session with Honourable Syeda Nosheen Iftikhar, a Member of the National Assembly, who emphasized the importance of young politicians’ participation in the legislative process. Next to speak was Honourable Speaker, Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, who graced the final day with his presence and candidly engaged in an interactive session with over 200  interns, providing them an opportunity to ask questions and gain valuable insights into the role of Parliament. The session ended with the group photograph.

The last session of the event was facilitated by Ms. Moomal Shahab from the Ministry of Finance who spoke on ethics and etiquette for civil servants for creating transparency in governance. She further highlighted the importance of continuous learning and professional growth for the youth of Pakistan and the opportunities available in that regard. The programme concluded with a feedback and evaluation session led by Mr Fayaz Thaheem from the PIPS, who encouraged interns to offer their honest and sincere feedback and evaluate the programme’s overall effectiveness.

The orientation programme provided a comprehensive learning experience for the interns and equipped them with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective parliamentary service. The interactive sessions, expert facilitators, and practical insights ensured that the interns left with a deep understanding of Pakistan’s parliamentary system.

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