
PIPS Seminar on Working of Parliament & Oversight of Executive with women youth leaders from Gilgit Baltistan and Chitral.

October 1, 2024

October 1st, 2024, Tuesday, Islamabad: Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services (PIPS) organized a seminar on the “Working of the Parliament and Oversight of Executive” for thirty member delegation of women youth leaders from all districts of Gilgit Baltistan and the Chitral region, including teachers, lawyers, social activists and students. Karakorum Area Development Organization (KADO) facilitated travel of delegates to PIPS.

The event started with the recitation of Holly Quran, followed by the National Anthem of Pakistan. After round of introduction, Mr. Muhammad Rashid Mafzool Zaka, Executive Director, Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services (PIPS) welcomed the participants on behalf of the President PIPS BoG / Chairman Senate, Honorable Mr. Yusuf Raza Gilani and PIPS Team. Ms. Noor Jabeen (Head of Gender & Safeguarding) from KADO formally thanked Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services for providing such a great learning opportunity. She introduced KADO as a community based organization, which started from Chitral and Gilgit and now expanded to national level. The organization is working for women health, hygiene monitoring and skill development and is advancing gender equality through Civil Society.

Ms. Ayesha Tariq Khan AD (research) was the moderator of the day while Mr Wajid Aslam recorded minuted. Ms Ayesha commenced proceedings by inviting Mr. Muhammad Rashid Mafzool Zaka, Executive Director and Director General (Research) PIPS to speak on working of the parliament and parliamentary oversight tools. He described the Parliament as an institution of inclusivity, which manifests the Sovereignty of Allah and the principle of “Agree to Disagree,” as envisaged in the Constitution of Pakistan. He further added that democracy in Pakistan has evolved from Islamic concept of socialist democracy. He also enlightened the participants about the vision of the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in evolving a welfare, federal, Islamic and parliamentary democratic country with independence of judiciary. Mr. Zaka shed light in detail on imperative articles of Constitution which specifically deal with the functions of the parliament: legislation, representation, scrutiny and budgeting.

The second panelist, Mr. Haider abbas, Director General (Finance) PIPS, talked about “Political Development in Gilgit-Baltistan and Legal Framework/ Governance Order”. He started by providing basic information about the area, population and geography of the Giglit Baltistan, followed by the political history of the area. He apprised the audience about the legal frameworks under which Giglit-Baltistan area has been ruled since its independence on 1st November, 1947. The latest of such legal framework is “Government of Gilgit-Baltistan Order 2018”, under which the area is currently being governed.

The third session was conducted by Mr. Abdul Nabi Solangi, Deputy Director Legislation PIPS, on “Legislative and Non-legislative Business in Parliament and Key Legislation on gender Based Violence”. He explained the law-making process of the parliament. He illustrated the types of bills as well as the legislative and non-legislative tools such as bills, resolutions, questions, adjournment motions and calling attention notices. He also discussed in detail the laws regarding Gender based violence in Pakistan.

There was a quick question and answer session at the end. The head of the delegation Ms Noor Jabeen, thanked PIPS team and appreciated the efforts of the PIPS. The Executive Director Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services, Mr. Muhammad Rashid Mafzool Zaka concluded the interactive session with the Quaid e Azam’s quotation: “There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is a great competition and rivalry between the two. There is a third power stronger than both, that of the women.” Mr. Zaka reiterated the women leaders to express their committed zeal to be role model of excellence for fellow citizens in footsteps of Mohtarma Fatimah Jinnah who remain the stalwart of Pakistan’s democratic movement for independence. and presented a souvenir to the head of delegation. PIPS Research wing hosted the event led by Ms Tehseen Khalid Dir (Research), Ms. Ayesha Tariq Khan, Mr. Wajid Aslam and Mr. Asif Ahmad while Mr. Ahmad Qazi provided IT support among the organizers of the event. Ms. Ayesha Tariq Khan presented a souvenir to the head of delegation on the behalf of Executive Director PIPS and PIPS Team. The event ended with a group photo and slogan PAKISTAN ZINDABAD.

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