
Briefing Paper No:02 Defining and Measuring Democracy for Parliament’s Pro-People Initiatives and Reforms

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Democracy can be perceived as a set of principles and practices that institutionalize and ultimately Protect freedom of the people. The word democracy derives from two Greek words, demos that means “the ordinary people,” and the kratos refers “to rule.” It is also conceived as a “form of regime that derives from popular sovereignty in which ordinary citizens are endowed with the right and ability to govern themselves. While there may not be consensus definition of democracy, we can identify democracy through key features that include i. government based on majority ii. as chosen by consent of the governed, iii. existence of free and fair elections; iv. the protection of minority rights and v. respect for basic human rights for all. Democracy presupposes equality before the law, due process and political pluralism. This paper discusses three internationally recognized standards of measuring democracy and ranking countries based on their performance viz a viz freedoms, civil liberties and human security. Members of Parliament, government and policy makers can utilize identified areas of improvement to undertake due reform.

03 September, 2024

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