
Workshop on Parliamentary Business for Newly Elected MLAs of Gilgit Baltistan Assembly.

January 18, 2016 , ,

As envisioned by the Honourable President PIPS BoG Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, Speaker, National Assembly, PIPS organised a week long Workshop for the newly elected Members of the Legislative Assembly of Gilgit Baltistan. Honorable Deputy Speaker Legislative Assembly of Gilgit Baltistan, Mr Jaffar Ullah Khan, graced the inaugural session of the workshop as chief guest. The event began with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by opening remarks by the Executive Director PIPS, Muhammad Rashid Mafzool Zaka, who also conducted an interactive session on Governance Structure of GB and role of MLAs. The four days workshop also covered key areas of Legislative and Non Legislative Business, and Functioning of Committees. Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services, in collaboration with USAID-AKRSP, commenced an orientation workshop for the first batch comprising of 16 MLAs and 3 Secretariat officers from the Legislative Assembly of Gilgit Baltistan. The proceedings of day one were led by Mr. Sohail Ahmad Ansari, Legal Consultant. As the workshop proceeded, the 19 participants will be given presentations on the pertinent topics including: role of member of Parliament, non-legislative business-oversight tools, minutes and report writing, introduction to budgetary process, CPEC-issues and way forward, and committee business-Legislative Assembly of Gilgit Baltistan. Seasoned professionals including, Ambassador Mr. Masood Khan, DG Institute of Strategic Studies, Mr Iftikar Ullah Babar, former Secretary Senate, Mr Jam Muhammad Aslam, Astt.D (Law Ministry) as well as PIPS faculty comprising the Executive Director, Mr Zaka, Mr Haider Abbas (Addl Dir-Finance and focal person) and Mr Muhammad Aslam Waseem Addl Dir (legislation) keenly deliberated on above mentioned subjects. The closing ceremony was held on 21 January, 2016 in which Hon. Deputy Speaker, GB Assembly, Mr Jaffarullah Khan distributed Certificates and lauded the PIPS efforts. Mr Zaka , Acting Executive Director thanked the MLAs for their pro active participation.

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